Thursday, May 24, 2012

Duck and cover!

I've never seen the format used in Countdown by Deborah Wiles, but it's really interesting.  It's a "documentary novel": a novel that's interspersed with all sorts of visual content - newspaper articles, song lyrics, advertisements, photographs, quotes, maps - and it does an amazing job of pulling the reader into the time frame of the book, which is the early 1960s. Franny and her family live near Andrews Air Force Base, where her dad is a pilot.  On one level, she's dealing with everyday stuff - a younger brother who's way too perfect, a cute boy who lives nearby, a best friend who doesn't seem to be a friend any more - but on another level, she's living through the events leading up to the Cuban  Missile Crisis, with "duck and cover" drills at school in case of a bomb, and a war veteran uncle who wants to build a bomb shelter in their yard.  Additional resources (books and web sites) are listed after the story, and history fans will be glad to hear this is the first of a trilogy  - the second book is scheduled to be released in 2013.

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