Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why is the land so important?

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor won the Newbery Medal in 1977, and it was a well-deserved honor. The story takes place in the Deep South in the 1930s. For Cassie's African-American family, that was a time of poverty and brutal racism, but also strong family ties and a sense of honor. The author describes in a painfully touching way how Cassie comes to understand the reasons she and her brothers are treated so differently from the neighboring white children. And now there are night riders and burnings and humiliation. Why is tall, towering Mr. Morrision really staying with Cassie's family? Why is the land so important to Papa? This is a powerful, moving story about racial prejudice and those who withstood it with pride and dignity.

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